9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almond Milk

9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almond Milk by soaking, grinding, and straining raw almonds. Commercial versions of almond milk might add nutrients, such as calcium, riboflavin, vitamin E, and vitamin D, to boost the drink’s nutritional content.

Top 9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almond Milk

Here are Benefits of Almond Milk list below. You can visit and explore by reading my post.

1. Promotes healthy skin

Both adults and teenagers who consume dairy milk may get acne. Regular dairy consumption seems to be linked to acne, according to one study involving 24,452 adults (44Trusted Source). However, the relationship between Dairy milk consumption and acne is not fully understood, and the evidence can be contradictory.

Almond milk might be a good choice if you’re worried about acne and want to clear up your skin. This is due to the fact that several types of almond milk are superior providers of vitamin E. A potent antioxidant, vitamin E may aid in the removal of the body’s potentially harmful free radicals that can harm your skin (45Reliable Source).

  • Reduce tension
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Be gentle with your skin
  • Avoid smoking
  • Self-defense against the sun

Free radicals are inevitable chemicals that can come from both common bodily functions and external factors like cigarette smoke and air pollution (45Trusted Source).

36 women over the age of 35 who participated in the trial drank a collagen- and vitamin-rich beverage for 12 weeks, including 2.3 mg of vitamin E. In comparison to a group who did not drink the beverage, the results revealed improvements in skin hydration, elasticity, and density (46Trusted Source).

These findings imply that vitamin E might be important for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin E by itself, however, cannot be solely blamed for the consequences. So eating a balanced, healthy diet that includes vitamin E may help to support healthy skin.

2. Supports a healthy heart

Almond milk is a product made from plants. It can help you boost the amount of plant-based foods you consume, which may support heart health. For their possible role in lowering the risk of cardiometabolic disorders like heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, some people advocate plant-based diets (47Trusted Source).

In a study from New Zealand, 65 adults were divided into two groups. The control group continued to consume their regular diet, whereas the intervention group adhered to a low fat, whole-food, plant-based diet (48Trusted Source).

  • Oil from fish and fatty fish
  • Avocados
  • Berries
  • A complete grain
  • Vegetables with leaves

According to the study’s findings, the whole-food, plant-based group had lower total cholesterol and lower glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels after 12 weeks than the control group (48Trusted Source).

Red blood cells bind to HbA1c. The level of blood sugar management over a few months can be estimated by HbA1c readings (49Reliable Source). Your risk of having heart disease can be decreased by lowering your cholesterol and HbA1c levels (50Trusted Source).

3. Dairy-free and vegan

Some people decide not to consume dairy milk for ethical, moral, or environmental grounds (30Trusted Source). Almond milk is suitable for vegans because it is plant-based and naturally dairy-free. Most people who want or need to limit dairy can use it. For those who have a tree nut allergy, it is not a secure solution.

Almond milk does not contain the proteins that cause a milk allergy because it is a dairy-free product. The prevalence of this food allergy ranges from 0.5 to 3.5% (34Trusted Source, 35Trusted Source).

  • Recognise your milk alternatives
  • Instead of focusing on what you lack, consider what you can have
  • Keep a supply of snacks on hand
  • Make advance plans
  • Pick vegan dishes

An allergy develops when the immune system of the body overreacts to compounds found in the environment, many of which would not normally be dangerous. An allergy may be fatal depending on its severity (36Reliable Source).

Between 2 and 3 percent of newborns and young children also suffer from milk allergy. Almond milk is substantially lower in protein than dairy milk, thus it might not be a good substitute for them (37, 38). To discover a specific formula for infants with milk allergies, you might need to consult a medical expert.

4. Naturally lactose-free

Given that almond milk is inherently lactose-free, it is a fantastic substitute for those who may be lactose intolerant. People who have lactose intolerance find it difficult to digest lactose, a sugar contained in dairy milk. According to estimates, it has an impact on 65-70% of adults worldwide (29Trusted Source).

It is brought on by a lack of lactase, an enzyme that transforms lactose into a more palatable form. Genetics, ageing, or specific medical problems could all contribute to this insufficiency (30Trusted Source).

  • Kefir
  • Powders with little lactose
  • Yoghurt with probiotics
  • Tough cheese
  • Reduced-lactose butter

Stomach ache, gas, and bloating are just a few of the unpleasant symptoms that intolerance can bring on (30Trusted Source, 31Trusted Source). White persons of European heritage are least likely to have lactose intolerance; 5–17% of them are affected.

Rates could be as high as 50-100% in South America, Africa, and Asia, though (31Trusted Source, 32Trusted Source, 33Trusted Source). Since so many people have lactose intolerance, plant-based substitutes that are inherently lactose-free, like almond milk, allow consumers to safely enjoy dishes that would otherwise include dairy.

5. A good source of calcium

In many people’s diets, dairy milk serves as a major source of calcium. Calcium content in 3.5 ounces (100 grammes) of whole milk is 123 milligrammes (mg), or around 12% of the daily value (6Trusted Source).

Since almond milk is frequently used as a substitute for dairy milk, several producers add calcium to it to guarantee that consumers are not missing out (23Trusted Source).

With 17% of the Daily Value (DV) for calcium in 3.5 ounces (100 grammes) of enriched almond milk, it is a reliable source of calcium. For children and elderly adults in particular, calcium is a vital element with numerous health advantages (24, 25, 26 Trusted Sources).

  • Seeds
  • Cheese
  • Yoghurt
  • Salmon in cans and sardines
  • Legume and beans

It contributes to the development and maintenance of strong bones and normal blood pressure. Additionally, it might aid in lowering your risk of osteoporosis and fractures (24Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source).

After consuming calcium- and vitamin D-fortified yoghurt for 84 days compared to a control group, a group of women 65 and older with BMD observed accelerated bone building, according to research (28Trusted Source). Making almond milk at home may necessitate adding other calcium-rich foods to your diet, such as cheese, yoghurt, fish, nuts, legumes, and leafy greens.

Recommended : 9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almond Milk

6. Often enriched with vitamin D

Numerous elements of health, such as heart health, bone density, and immune health, depend on vitamin D (17Reliable Source). When your skin is in contact with sunshine, your body can manufacture vitamin D.

However, due to their skin tone, lifestyle, long work hours, or just living in a region with little sunlight, many people do not obtain enough vitamin D. In fact, a lack of vitamin D affects more adults in the US than any other deficiency (18Trusted Source).

Lack of vitamin D has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, problems getting pregnant, autoimmune illnesses, and infectious diseases (18Trusted Source, 19, 20Trusted Source). In one investigation, the impact of vitamin D supplementation on bone mineral density

  • Mushrooms
  • Fish
  • Liver of the cod
  • Juice of oranges
  • Dairy that has been fortified (and non-dairy alternatives)

These findings demonstrate how crucial it is for your health to maintain proper levels of vitamin D. Overindulgence, however, could not bring any further advantages.

Almond milk is one of many commercial products that has been fortified with vitamin D as very few foods naturally contain it (22Trusted Source). 3.5 ounces (100 grammes) of fortified almond milk typically contain 5% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin D (2 Trusted Source).

Almond milk prepared at home is not included in the list of variants of almond milk that do not include vitamin D. Therefore, if you aren’t getting enough vitamin D through sunlight, it can be wise to look for additional dietary sources of the vitamin.

7. An excellent source of vitamin E

A serving of 3.5 ounces (100 grammes) of almond milk naturally contains 22% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin E (2Trusted Source), making it a top source of this vitamin. Strong antioxidants like vitamin E may help your body fight inflammation and stress (10Trusted Source).

Free radicals are surplus chemicals that might harm your cells; antioxidants clear them up. According to 11 Trusted Source, these free radicals can cause stress, inflammation, and the onset of disease. There is evidence that vitamin E’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities may also help lower your risk of developing cancer (12Reliable Source).

  • Kernels of sunflower
  • Almonds
  • Peanuts
  • Several oils
  • Spinach

In addition to possibly preventing cancer and heart disease, vitamin E may also be good for your bones and eyes (13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source). Furthermore, vitamin E might help the body burn fat by enhancing this process.

In one experiment, mice that had trouble removing blood-borne fat molecules were given a vitamin E supplement for eight weeks. The accumulation of fat deposits was reduced, lowering the mice’s likelihood of developing heart disease (16 Trusted Source). To substantiate these assertions, more human study is necessary.

8. Low in carbs

Almond milk is inherently low in carbs, especially the unsweetened kinds. The majority of the 0.3 grammes of carbohydrates in a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) portion of almond milk is dietary fibre.

4.6 grammes of carbohydrates, or lactose, a type of natural sugar, are present in the same volume of dairy milk (2Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source), which is comparable. Remember that commercially available sweetened types of almond milk and other plant milk may have additional sugars, which can cause their carbohydrate content to increase significantly.

Added sugars have a high absorption rate and can quickly raise blood sugar levels (7 Trusted Source). Some persons with health issues, such those who have diabetes, may need to keep an eye on the quantity and kind of carbohydrates in their diets.

  • Quinoa
  • Muesli
  • Polenta
  • Eggs
  • Seeds of hemp

The effects of sugar-sweetened drinks (SSBs) on the risk of type 2 diabetes were assessed in one analysis of five research. The review found a link between frequent SSB use and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes (8Trusted Source).

Options with less carbohydrates, like unsweetened almond milk, can make it simpler to control blood sugar levels. A 20% decreased incidence of type 2 diabetes was seen in a study involving 27,662 adults who switched from SSBs to substitutes such tea or coffee without milk (9Trusted Source).

9. Supports weight management

Drinks made from plants typically have fewer calories than milk made from normal dairy. Making the switch to almond milk may help people achieve their calorie-reduction goals (3Trusted Source).

By consuming fewer calories from food, weight loss is frequently possible or promoted (4 Trusted Source). Depending on your goals, making tiny substitutions from high-calorie items to low-calorie foods will help you reduce or maintain your calorie consumption (4Trusted Source).

  • Whole, full-fat Greek yoghurt
  • The chia seed
  • Fruit
  • The chilli pepper
  • Grainy foods

Reducing dietary energy consumption may aid in weight management, according to a review of 67 studies (5 Trusted Source). Almond milk is naturally low in calories, but many commercial types are sweetened or flavour with additional sugars.

If you’re worried about it, it’s crucial to study the nutrition label and ingredient list as different brands may add varying levels of sugar. Furthermore, homemade, unfiltered almond milk may still include more almonds, increasing its calorie content.


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Tags : benefits of Almond Milk for skin, drinking Almond Milk for skin whitening, Almond Milk benefits for skin and hair, benefits of Almond Milk for weight loss, top 9 evidence-based health benefits of Almond Milk.

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